Global Yoga Records

Set Or Break Records


GYR, is the authority which works through a process of authentication within a system to explore and recognize such achievement which belongs to only one person in the world. These types of achievements are formally known as globally recognized achievements or internationally recognized achievements. GYR works to find this type of achievers around the world and publish their achievements on our international records database website. The content published by GYR is for reaching out to potential people for encouraging them to display their hidden talents globally.

A world record is usually the best performance ever recorded and verified in that particular field. Certificate of recognition will be awarded for anybody who can set a new record or break the existing record and for those achievers who have made a remarkable contribution in the field of Yoga, Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy and Holistic health.

This initiative is for inspiring and bringing out the hidden talents, which may lead the achievers to give a remarkable contribution in the field.

The event of setting or breaking records shall be verified by the experts of respective fields in which the record will be made.


Global Yoga Records is an initiative to showcase extraordinary achievements of people in the field of Yoga and associated branches to bring it to lime light. 

The Global Yoga Records will recognize these extra-ordinary achievers, and encourage them to show their incredible talent to the whole world and get their achievement recognized globally.

Mission & Vision.


Global authority on yoga record breaking for anyone who can set a new record or break the existing record and for those achievers who have made a remarkable contribution as a yogi in the field of yoga, ayurveda, unani, siddha, homeopathy and holistic health


Inspire, Challenge, Break and Achieve making life awesome.

